Buy American

Aztek image

Buy American Written and published July 29th. 2013, re-edited and republished Feb. 22nd, 2015 I …

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How do we make solar work

Making Solar Work image

How do we make solar work How do we make solar work, Pt. 2 on …

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Talk 4 Autism

Talk 4 Autism image

Talk 4 Autism This is the 2014 promo for the radio-thon Talk 4 Autism, starring …

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Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy Wind Farms image

Renewable Energy Means Security and Stability (Written and posted on the original January 21st, …

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Reality TV Celebrities

Reality TV Celebrities image

Reality TV Celebrities Who Are They? (Originally written and posted Jan. 17th, 2013, edited and …

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Grow Your Own Food

Grow your own food image

Grow Your Own Food (Crow Your Own Food was first appeared in the original …

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Who wants to be President?

Who wants to be President image

Who wants to be president? (Original Who wants to be President? written on the original …

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Windy San Jacinto 1-14-14

Windy San Jacinto 1-14-14

Windy San Jacinto 1-14-14
Windy San Jacinto 1-14-14 image

Windy San Jacinto 1-14-14

Windy San Jacinto 1-14-14, a video I recorded when we had incredible wind in town, which I felt I should document for posterity for whatever reason. We seldom get huge winds out here, the Santa Anas mostly missing us, but occasionally we get terrific gusts.

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2013

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2013

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2013
Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2013 image

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2013

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2013, the third year I caught the youngsters doing what they do, running around.

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2012

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2012.

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2012
Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2012

Zoey and Cousin Christmas 2012

I’ve tried to keep a record of these kids as they grow, so precious and time is so fleeting. I missed this 2012, mostly because they were playing hide and seek and I was not motivated. Anyhow, they had the excitement and good cheer of the holiday season propelling them.