Big Bear Snow

This is from a few years ago when I had to go back up to Big Bear, CA and got caught in some big bear snow. I had to retake some photos I had taken the day before because I had run out of sunlight by the time I made it to the last assignment. The pictures came out too dark even with setting my camera to a super long exposure time, so the second trip was needed. The first trip up, roughly 14 hours earlier than when this photo was taken, was a warm fall day, no snow anywhere on the mountain, and in fact that morning the snow had just began to fall. This picture was taken right as I arrived at the target spot to re-take the photo. I was dressed in shorts, tennis shoes and a t-shirt, as it was still a bright, warm day where I live. People driving past me must have thought I was a lunatic. I walked through the snow storm the last 1/4 mile because the car kept sliding back down this hill each time we drove up it. Several close calls losing footing I made it to the target and returned without mishap.

Big Bear Snow image

Big Bear Snow

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